Attendance and Declaration of Interest Register

Vacation of office by failure to attend meetings:
Please note that attendance at any of the Community Council's Committees below will counts towards a Member's attendance in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 85 (1), (2) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)


In 2024/25 Acton Community Council appointed three Committees, as set out above, with specific terms of reference to consider and deal with various issues. All Committees' Minutes are reported into the next full Council Meeting. 

Under normal circumstances the hybrid meetings of the Council and its Committees are held in the evening at either the Acton Community Resource Centre, off Overton Way, Wrexham LL12 7LB or the Little Acton Community Centre, The Green, Little Acton, Wrexham, LL12 8BH.   All Council Meetings are hybrid, if you wish to join a meeting remotely please use the Zoom hyperlink included on the front page of each agenda


The calling of a Committee meeting is published on the Council's Notice Board in the Little Acton Community Centre and on the Council's website. The agenda for each Committee meeting will be available for inspection by contacting the Clerk from three clear working days before the date of the meeting.