February Meeting 2022

Published: 15 February 2022

This will be a remote meeting held via the Zoom platform that will start at 6:30pm and Members of the press and public are welcome to attend remotely and observe the Council meeting. Please contact the Clerk if you require any further information about the meeting. The Agenda can be obtained by contacting the Clerk.

The login details for the Remote Zoom meeting are set out below (please note that the meeting and those participating will be recorded). To join the meeting please use the Meeting ID: 896 4093 5556 and Passcode: 115903 or this hyperlink:


Please note: At the start of the meeting, Public questions will be taken about any item on the agenda from Acton Community Residents who have by noon on Monday 14 February 2022 given notice to the Clerk to the Community Council’s office either in writing or via an email to clerk@actoncommunitycouncil.gov.uk and specified the matter on the agenda which they wish to speak about.